welcome to SAVINGS

We hope you can save some money now and at the same time find our services exceeding your expectations.

You will find below a group of discounts for several of our individual popular services. Please let us know if any of these might be of benefit to your particular computer problem. It is our priority to offer you a fair price, excellent results, and best warranty possible. If you are looking for outstanding job completion and the best savings in the long run, we are here to help.


Temas Relacionados con Windows

  • Tu computadora se ha puesto muy lenta para arrancar
  • Su computadora muestra algún texto en una pantalla azul o negra al arrancar y deja de cargar el sistema operativo
  • Una vez que ingresas a tu pantalla, toma una eternidad para mostrar los iconos de tus programas
  • Puedes entrar, pero no se muestra nada en la pantalla
  • Su ordenador muestra un mensaje de error después de entrar en tu pantalla
  • Se produce un error de red en el navegador cuando se entra en Internet
  • Las actualizaciones de Windows dejaron de funcionar. Puede que aparezca o no un mensaje relacionado en la pantalla

Temas Relacionados con los Virus

  • Una amenaza es descubierta o la ventana de "Amenaza detectada" sigue apareciendo
  • Su navegador web (por ejemplo, Microsoft Internet Explorer o Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome) se congela, se cuelga o no responde
  • Te redirigen a otras páginas web distintas a la que querías ir...
  • Su ordenador se reinicia por sí mismo (pero no un reinicio causado por las actualizaciones de Windows)
  • Se ven mensajes de error inusuales (por ejemplo, mensajes que dicen que hay carpetas de archivos faltantes o corruptas). Este podría ser un problema relacionado con Windows también

Asuntos Relacionados con Las Piezas del Equipo

  • Tu Computadora no se enciende
  • Escuchas un ruido rechinante cuando enciendes tu computadora...
  • Tu computadora se enciende, pero no aparece nada en la pantalla
  • Tu computadora arranca, ves algún texto deslizándose por la pantalla (a veces muchas líneas) y deja de arrancar con una pantalla negra o una lista parcial de comandos o mensajes ejecutados.
  • Cuando ingresas en Windows y abres solo un par de programas, el equipo se vuelve extremadamente lento. Esto también podría ser un síntoma de infección de virus

Save Some Money Today While You Are On The Way to Get Your Computer Back.
See coupons below and use them as needed or pass along to someone who might benefit from them.

Cómo Usar los Cupones de Ahorro de AZW Tech

Tres Opciones para Usar los Cupones de Ahorro - Elija sólo una y confirme con nosotros...

1. Tome una foto del cupón específico y envíe una copia en un correo electrónico a sales@azwtech.com.  No olvides incluir tu nombre completo y dirección.  Sólo lo harás después de que el diagnóstico del técnico se haya realizado y se haya determinado un curso de acción.

2. Envíe un mensaje de texto con una foto del cupón específico que pretende usar y envíelo a nuestra línea telefónica principal (786) 210-5577.  Este es probablemente el método más fácil.  No olvide incluir su nombre completo y dirección.    Sólo lo harás después de que el diagnóstico del técnico se haya realizado y se haya determinado un curso de acción.

3. Envía un mensaje de texto con el código del cupón específico que piensas usar y envíalo por texto o por correo electrónico a nuestra línea telefónica principal.  No olvide incluir su nombre completo y dirección.    Sólo lo harás después de que el diagnóstico del técnico se haya realizado y se haya determinado un curso de acción.

Ads Policy:
All ad coupons below can only be used individually and apply to one computer per house hold or small business (a business with no more than 30 personal computers). These ads services do not apply to network server computers or current clients of AZW Tech (present AZW Tech clients already have their seniority discounts in place. If three or more services are needed for a specific computer or you have multiple computers needing service, it might be better (money wise and job quality) to adopt a recommended service bundle since they are intended to repair a multitude of issues, make your computer run efficiently, and secure it the best way possible. You agree that even if you call us and we confirm for the job with a diagnostic or obvious and known problem solution, we might have to schedule a job for few days or weeks after the ad expiration date. We reserve the right to suspend any of these ads coupons promotion temporarily or indefinitely if we suddenly get overwhelmed with jobs or their complexities requiring extended time, or any other conditions affecting our health or mobility.

These coupons are used for computers that are badly infected with malware software

Home User Computer 
Virus/Malware Removal Coupon
by azwtech.com
Includes removal of visual & proven virus symptoms, and virus damage repair.
Includes Professional Antivirus Software level 1 protection subscription license for one full year.
Includes 30 days limited warranty.

Job length: ~2 hrs.

Reg. $95          Now: $75

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  HUC-VMR-75083120

Home Business Computer 
Virus/Malware Removal Coupon
by azwtech.com
Includes removal of visual & proven virus symptoms, and virus damage repair.

Includes Professional Antivirus & Firewall Software level 3 protection subscription license for one full year.
Includes 60 days limited warranty.

Job length: ~2.5 hrs.

Reg. $125          Now: $95

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  HBC-VMR-95083120

Small Business Computer 
Virus/Malware Removal Coupon
by azwtech.com
Includes removal of visual & proven virus symptoms, and virus damage repair.

Includes Professional Antivirus & Firewall Software level 5 protection subscription license for one full year.
Includes 90 days limited warranty.

Job length: ~3 hrs.

Reg. $155          Now: $125

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  SBC-VMR-125083120

Hoy en día, además de los virus tradicionales, hay troyanos, gusanos, programas de rescate, espías, publicitarios y muchos otros "productos". El término de la industria informática para todo esto es "programas maliciosos". Incluso la seguridad informática de última generación no siempre puede mantenerse al día con las nuevas amenazas. En AZW Tech, nos esforzamos y a menudo investigamos los mejores sistemas de seguridad de la industria. Muchas veces, terminamos con sólo una docena de un promedio de treinta a cuarenta productos de seguridad que investigamos y/o probamos minuciosamente. Y estos sistemas sofisticados contra el software malicioso, junto con la experiencia de nuestros técnicos certificados, son los elementos que utilizamos para proteger nuestras propias computadoras y las de nuestros clientes.

These coupons are generaly used for software issues created by the OS, Hardware, or Other Applications

Home User Computer Windows Repairs Coupon
by azwtech.com

Home User Computer Windows Repairs
Includes diagnostic, up to 3 visual or proven symptoms repairs, and basic computer assessment consulting. Includes 30 days limited warranty.

Job length:  ~1 hr.

Reg. $75          Now: $55

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  HUC-WR-55083120

Home Business Computer Windows Repairs Coupon
by azwtech.com

Home Business Computer Windows Repairs
Includes diagnostic, up to 4 visual or proven symptoms repairs, and one professional computer assessment consulting. Includes 60 days limited warranty.

Job length:  ~1.5 hrs.

Reg. $95          Now: $75

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  HBC-WR-75083120

Small Business Computer Windows Repairs Coupon
by azwtech.com

Home Business Computer Windows Repairs
Includes diagnostic, up to 5 visual or proven symptoms repairs, and two professional computers assessment consulting. Includes 90 days limited warranty.

Job length:  ~2 hrs.

Reg. $105          Now: $95

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  SBC-WR-95083120

These coupons are generally used for computers you are planing to purchase and we are helping you with consulting, computers that will have their antivirus system expired soon, or computers that recently had their security expired (no longer than 72 hrs. prior to our job apointment day)

Home User Customized Security Coupon
by azwtech.com

Includes two scans and elimination of discovered threats. Professionally configured Antivirus level 2 and Windows Firewall.
Includes 30 days limited warranty.

Job length:  ~1.5 hrs.

Reg. $85          Now: $65

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  HUC-WR-55083120

Home Business Customized Security Coupon
by azwtech.com

Includes three scans and elimination of discovered threats. Professionally configured Antivirus level 5 and Professional Firewall.
Includes 60 days limited warranty.

Job length:  ~2 hrs.

Reg. $115          Now: $85

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  HBC-WR-75083120

Small Business Customized Security  Coupon
by azwtech.com

Includes four scans and elimination of discovered threats. Professionally configured Internet Security Suite.
Includes 90 days limited warranty.

Job length:  ~2.5 hrs.

Reg. $135          Now: $105

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  SBC-WR-95083120

If your System is badly damaged . . . . Relax!

We have a few extra discounts for our bundle deals which should take care of many of the malfunctioning issues commonly found on computers today.  Read below!

These coupons are for those who need a complete computer software repair, virus removal, cleanup, tuneup, and security implementation. However, we usually recommend these bundles only for specific cases based upon our full diagnostics results. Even when these complete packages tend to be more expensive because of the amount of professional tools and time involved, they are still much more cost effective if you paid good money for your computer and are currently short on money to buy a new one.

BASIC Repair, Maintenance, & Security Bundle Discount                           $15.00 OFF

(applies to home, home business, & small enterprises with 30 or less computers)
This discount is in addition to the special discount currently on our bundle page

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  BRM-SB-15083120

PLUS Repair, Maintenance, & Security Bundle Discount                          $20.00 OFF

(applies to home, home business, & small enterprises with 30 or less computers)
This discount is in addition to the special discount currently on our bundle page

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  PRM-SB-20083120

PREMIUM Repair, Maintenance, & Security Bundle Discount                          $25.00 OFF

(applies to home, home business, & small enterprises with 30 or less computers)
This discount is in addition to the special discount currently on our bundle page

EXPIRES ON 8/31/2020
coupon code:  PRM-SB-25083120