Home Business Maintenance Bundles
The Maint. Bundles found on this page apply to Home Business Computers.
PC/Laptop BASIC Yearly Repair-Cleanup-Tuneup-Security Bundle
- Hardware and Software Diagnostic (Includes three professional tools-with specific hd, memory, and video tests)
- Virus/Malware cleanup (Two scans and repairs with two professional tools)
- Antivirus Lev4 (installation and setup)
- Customized Windows Firewall
- Windows/Internet Basic Cleanup (Includes old windows updates leftover files, temp. Internet files, windows temp. files, Windows Old Restore files-saves a lot of hd space, and more)
- Windows core files scan and repair
- Hard Disk defragmentation
- Emergency antimalware scanner system
- Remote Assistant System setup (required for repairs covered under warranty)
- 90 days limited warranty included
PC/Laptop PLUS Yearly Repair-Cleanup-Tuneup-Security Bundle
- “Plus”, Hardware and Software Diagnostic (Includes four professional tools-with specific hd, memory, video, and monitor tests)
- Virus/Malware cleanup (Three scans and repairs with three professional tools)
- Antivirus Lev5 (installation and setup)
- Professional Firewall
- Windows/Internet "Plus" Cleanup & Tuneup (includes everything in “Basic” plus registry cleaning, shortcuts fixing, tracks erasing, startup files adjustments, and more)
- Windows core files scan and repair
- Windows/drivers updates installation
- Hard Disk advanced defragmentation
- • Emergency dual antimalware scanner system
- Remote Assistant System setup (required for repairs covered under warranty)
- 180 days limited warranty included
PC/Laptop PREMIUM Yearly Repair-Cleanup-Tuneup-Security Bundle
- “Premium”, Hardware and Software Diagnostic (Includes five professional tools-with specific hd, memory, video, monitor, and audio tests)
- Virus/Malware cleanup (Four scans and repairs with four professional tools)
- Internet Security Suite w/Antivirus Lev6, Firewall, and more (installation and setup)
- Windows/Internet "Premium" Cleanup & Tuneup (includes everything in “Plus” bundle plus dual registry cleaning, reduce application idleness at shutdown, set Windows Explorer to run independently to avoid certain conflicts, and more)
- Online Sites Login protection system (optional +$15 ea. or free if 3 computers will be using PREMIUM bundles)
- Windows core files scan and repair
- Windows/drivers updates installation
- Hard Disk advanced defragmentation
- Emergency triple antimalware scanner system
- Remote Assistant System setup (required for repairs covered under warranty)
- 360 days limited warranty included
Other Bundle Deals
If you have a home computer or own a small company, click one of the buttons below to navigate to the appropriate pages

Diagnóstico de Bajo Costo
We perform a 1 to 2 hrs. hardware/software diagnostic in order to recommend what repair, maintenance, security bundle is necessary for your computer to function correctly and efficiently. Diagnostic fee will be deducted from total amount after job is completed.

Eliminación de Virus y otros Malware
Usamos sólo la mejor tecnología antivirus/anti-malware. Una vez que su computadora está completamente limpia, configuramos su equipo con el mejor sistema de seguridad posible de acuerdo con nuestras recomendaciones y su presupuesto.

Configuración del Acceso a Internet
Did you order Internet Service and need assistance with installation? Or do you have problems accessing the Internet and your Service Provider says your service is working fine? You might have an issue with your operating system, a hardware malfunction, or a virus is creating a headache for you. Give us a call and let one of our techs figure out the solution to your concern.

Reparaciones de Windows 7, 8 y 10
Podrían ser reparaciones específicas para problemas simples que no requieren una solución completa. Por ejemplo, los archivos de Windows podrían corromperse después de instalar o desinstalar algún tipo de software. Incluso las actualizaciones del propio sistema operativo podrían fallar.

Limpieza y Ajuste de Windows 7, 8, y 10
This service is performed with granular details to bring your computer up to speed as close as it worked when it was new from the factory. Also, a diagnostic to determine the root of your computer slowness is performed at no additional cost. If a part upgrade is needed, it would be addressed by our tech.

Sistema de Backup Repetitivo
Our backup/sync. system offers peace of mind to protect your files. We set up a hybrid environment where you can have a full copy of your original files backed up locally in your office and another one on a bank grade secured cloud system. You will have access to your work files 24/7 from anywhere you can connect to the Internet. Network Backup Device is included, however, capacity is limited by computer's usage (500 GB-home, 1000 GB-home business, 2000 GB-small enterprise). Secured cloud storage capacity is also limited by computer usage (50 GB-home, 100 GB-home business, 200 GB-small enterprise) and is intended rather for synchronization and backup of current work files and not for archiving older files. Also, this is a continued annual service.

Sistema de Seguridad Personalizado
Proteger la información digital de su familia y su negocio con una seguridad profesional de Internet es un servicio extremadamente importante que no puede tomarse a la ligera. Por eso dedicamos mucho tiempo y esfuerzo a investigar y probar varios programas de seguridad para nuestros clientes. Para encontrar los mejores sistemas de seguridad en Internet, probamos varias de las aplicaciones más respetables del mercado para ver qué tan bien cada una detecta y bloquea los programas que le hacen daño intensional a su computadora. También consideramos si estas aplicaciones de seguridad ponen lentos nuestros ordenadores de prueba y evaluamos la cantidad y calidad de sus características de seguridad avanzadas. Luego elegimos una docena más o menos de los mejores sistemas para proteger los dispositivos de nuestros clientes.

Windows 10, MS Office, & QuickBooks Pro Training
Need to learn the most popular OS and Office software used in schools and companies? Contact us for availability and to make some arrangements for a level organized hands-on training. Currently, we have courses for Windows 10 users interface from beginner to advance, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, & QuickBooks beginner to advance. If you would like to start your training on an Intermediate Level, a basics level exam would have to be taken and pass. Such an exam could last up to 6 hrs. for each software individually.

Wire/Wireless Virtual Network Setup
We connect your Windows Computers and compatible devices through a small (10 devices or fewer) office virtual network. If you have your cables already installed through the walls, we do the rest. But if you are in need of wire installation service, we can help you find such a service as well. And we even include a customized cleanup, tuneup, and security service with the network setup to help making your navigation on the internet safe.